Ayam Cemani

The Ayam Cemani has certainly had people talking excitedly about it over the last few years.

It is a total blackbird – inside and out, so as you can imagine, it has been associated with the Dark Arts, especially in its own country of Indonesia.

At the current time, they remain a pretty rare bird and are very hard to obtain, but we have them here at Boot Ranch!

The Cochin

The big, fluffy Cochin chicken begs to be picked up and cuddled! They have been charming people for a long time and aren’t about to stop anytime soon!

They have been described as ‘head-to-toe feathers’ – an apt description for these beautifully feathered birds. People cannot pass them by without remarking on them.

These sweet fluff balls also have quite a bit of history.

The Phoenix

Do you know the Phoenix chicken breed? They are gaining in popularity, and for good reason.

These chickens are exceedingly friendly and make great pets. Plus, they lay lots of eggs! If you’re thinking about getting a chicken, the Phoenix is a great option.

Many other types also

Wyandottes, Barred Rock, Turkins and White Rocks to name a few.

Check our other pages for more animals.

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